"You can’t change the waves, but you can learn to surf." This has been my favorite quote for more than 20 years. Mindfulness expert Jon Kabat-Zinn uses it as a metaphor for embracing the …
If you want to unlock the full business potential. You know the expression "déjà vu," which means feeling like you are seeing or experiencing something you've seen or experienced before. You pinch yourself, wondering …
Autopilot conservatism causes your company to stagnate. In the international edition of the book Hunger in Paradise, we use the subtitle "How to Save Success from Failure." Whether it’s a dramatic fall from the top, as we’ve …
Here’s my Top 10 list of deficiencies in the strategy process. In far too many strategic processes, a conservative approach is taken toward strategy development. This conservatism is about sticking to what you already …